Club Member Spotlight: Jake Winkler

Jake Winkler is our last (but certainly not least) club member spotlight star! I can NOT put into words how awesome it is to have such a level-headed, hard working, pro-lifer on our team! I met Jake during my first semester as president. This was his freshman year, when he became super involved with our club from the get-go.

Jake is a great guy to have around. He always shows up ready to work with the knowledge and know-how to get a job done and whenever I need a tool or rope or something, Jake is always someone I can count on!

Here he is helping me set up our clothesline display!

When asked why he’s pro-life Jake will point to his religious beliefs, as he was raised Catholic and an alumni of Gonzaga Prep. However, if you really get him talking he will tell you that his pro-life views also stem from moral and philosophical convictions. He told me, “I believe that the embryo is a human fundamentally and human from conception to natural death, therefore he/she is entitled to the same basic rights as any other human being outside the womb.”

One of the interview questions I asked all of our club members as I was preparing to spotlight them on the blog was what was the best thing they’ve taken away from their involvement in SFL. Jake’s answer might just be my all time favorite. He said, “A sense of confidence in being pro-life. Students for Life has instilled in me an ability to state that I am pro life honestly, unapologetically, forthright, and without doubt, hesitation, or mediocrity. I would be hard pressed to find another organization where such qualities are fostered.” I’m so happy that this is the confidence and atmosphere we’re giving our members! One happy president right here!

Jake says that he’d encourage other people to be involved with the club because it presents opportunities to impact people and leave a pro-life impression with them, as well as to interact with other like-minded students who are also passionately pro-life!

Another question I asked Jake was how he intended to stay involved in the pro-life movement after college. This was when he presented another answer that made me smile from ear to ear. He said, “I see myself helping counsel people who find themselves in a surprise pregnancy, providing support for those in need, and by voting. My conscience tends to lean towards one on one service. I plan to continue living out my beliefs in my actions, decisions, and thinking.” How lucky are we to have him on our team?

Beyond just being a pro-life, hard working, mechanical engineer-to-be, Jake is interested welding and woodworking and really just wants a job where he can blow things up. Haha! Anyway, a random fact about him is that he loves construction, as he grew up doing it with his family’s business and also really loves the outdoors, especially snowmobiling. Asking Jake about his favorite SFL activity gave the following answer, “I’m torn between the March for Life and the clothesline project. The March really lets us be involved with the public, but the clothes line project sends a very powerful message. If I had to choose, I’d go with the clothesline. I helped a lot with the project, so I might be a bit biased.”

In closing, I just really want to thank Jake for all of the times he’s sacrificed time and obligations or jumped at the last minute opportunity to lend a helping hand. He’s a great guy and an awesome asset to our team and we are very blessed to have him around! Jake is going into his junior year, meaning that he will hopefully be involved in our club for at least two more years, so if you see him around be sure to give him a smile, handshake, and big thank-you for all he’s done to help foster a culture of life on our campus! Thanks Jake!


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